viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008

bbc news summary

Brothers face Russia spy charges

Russian government has arrested two brothers Ilya Zaslavsky and Alexander Zaslavsky with links to British interests because they have produced a series of incidents which has caused serious frictions between Russia and the UK. It has been espionage.

The government has found material proof confirming the industrial espionage was found and confiscated; they found business cards of foreign military agencies and the CIA.

Last year appeared a death he was ex-security agent Alexander Litvinenko of British Council.

The tension between Moscow and London began last year with the murdered of Mr Litvinenko. Andrei Lugovoi is the first suspicious to murder Mr Litvinenko, it’s probable that this person gave fatal dose of radioactive polonium 210. UK gave Mr Lugovoi to Russia

Russia refused to extradite Mr Lugovoi. So Britain expelled four Russian diplomats - Moscow then expelled four British diplomats.

New words:

Citizenship= ciutadania
curtailed= reduits
prosecuting= perseguir
raided= assaltats
sold off= vengut
stake= joc
seeking= buscar
The row= la fila

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